Portal 2012 Conference SXM Announcement
Email for tickets : lightworkerssxm@gmail.com

We are delighted to be hosting the penultimate event in the Portal2012 Conference Series.
The SXM conference runs from November 30th to December 2nd.
For this event we will welcome to our island the International speaker and blogger code-named Cobra.
Cobra is a messenger for the Resistance Movement who’s identity has been veiled until now.
The human mind usually associates a given message with perceived characteristics of the messenger and this tends to cloud its objectivity.
What is important is the message and not the messenger.
The number of available places is strictly limited and will be booked on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.
Please complete the Portal 2012 Conference SXM Booking form and return it to
lightworkerssxm@gmail.com together with your preferred payment method.
If you are not paying by Paypal, we will contact you to arrange to collect your payment.
Your booking will be confirmed upon receipt of your payment.
We look forward to receiving your booking and to seeing you at :
The Portal 2012 SXM Conference.
You will find further details including the conference topics below.
Please feel free to share this information with your friends.
We have compiled a list of St_Maarten_Hotels for conference attendees flying in from off-island.
A taxi transfer will be provided, at no additional cost, between these hotels/guesthouses and the conference venue.
Sint Maarten residents may also use the taxi transfer by meeting it at one of the pick-up points.
Portal 2012 Conference specifics:
: 30th November 6:00 PM Friday evening: INTRODUCTION WITH MEDITATION
Saturday Morning 1st December 10:30 – 1:00 pm:
*Galactic Wars and Atlantis
*Quarantine Earth and Archon
*Forces of Light and forces of darkness
*Resistance Movement
Saturday afternoon 2:30 till 7:30pm:
*The Plan-removal of the dark forces
*New financial system
*New advanced technologies
*Disclosure and First Contact
*Planetary Light body activation
*2012 Event Horizon
*Galactic super-wave
Sunday Morning 2nd December 10:30 am till 1:00 pm:
2012 AND YOU
*Your mission: the life you were meant to live
*Joining the Light forces
*Deprogramming the masses
*Planetary liberation n meditation
*Healing the timelines
Sunday afternoon 2:30 pm till 7:30 pm:
*Experiencing Goddess energies
*Goddess Vortex meditation
Non-disclosure agreement must be signed by each participant. No photography or recording. Topics presented may be subject to change.